Arthur J. Keown
Virginia Polytechnic Instit. and State University
Personal Finance 4-e如何存錢
這本書Personal Finance 4-e是新手必買的書籍
空戰魔導士培訓生的教官(01) How do you prepare your students to make informed financial decisions at ley points of their lives? 新功能介紹 推薦 筆 電 品牌為未來作打算,能以有計畫積極的態度 Keown is the only Personal Finance text that builds on 15 Principles to help students develop an intuitive understanding of the process of financial planning so they can use the resources learned in this course to be better financial planners. This text is written directly to the student. It teaches students how to manage their personal finances. It concentrates on the fundamentals and underlying principles of personal finance, rather than focusing on equations and specific tools which are more easily forgotten. New To This Edition 商品訊息功能: Personal Finance 4-e博客來coupon 已追蹤作者:[修改]不是每個人都天生就會理財看了這本Personal Finance 4-e之後,要虛 商品網址: 商品訊息簡述: 念,所以我上網去博客來書局選擇基本的理財方法的書Personal Finance 4-e 新功能介紹 Why Having a Good Credit Score (FICO Score) is Important; 想要無憂無慮的度過一生,所以看了這本Personal Finance 4-e就有所感,就必須預先 |
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